Interview Vol.3 佐藤芳明[鍵盤アコーディオン]Yoshiaki Sato[PianoAccordion]

インタビューVol.3は佐藤 芳明さんです。

※経歴・ライブ・活動情報及び英訳は文末にございます。(English translation is below,after the Japanese interview.)




「僕の先生(Daniel Mille)は『お前はお前で勝手にやれ』っていう感じでしたね(笑)。なので、指導とかは全然なくて、自分で考えてやってみた結果が今の演奏スタイルになっています。楽器の音の、立ち上がり始めから消えるまでがどうなっているか、というのを自分なりに考えて弾いているつもりです。





撮影:大崎 聡 / ヘアメイク:鎌田 真理子 / スタイリスト:露木 藍  / Direction:蛇腹党

衣装:ROBE JAPONICAその他) jabara Party


【佐藤芳明 プロフィール】
国立音楽大学在学中に独学でアコーディオンを始め、卒業後渡仏、C.I.M.Ecole de JazzでアコーディオニストDaniel Milleに師事。

佐藤芳明SOLO~3rd Album《稜線》リリース




個人レッスン 無し

Q: You are an accordion player with a distinctive individual sound. Is there anything in particular that you pay attention to, or are aiming for in your playing?
Sato: I don’t think about trying to be different from others at all when I play. I produce the sound that I want to make, and if people consider that to be my personal characteristic, maybe they’re right.

Q: Were you taught to make that kind of sound?
Sato: My teacher Daniel Mille’s attitude was: “You do what you want.” (Laughs) He didn’t really tell me what to do. So my style is the result of my own trial and error. When I play, I have my own idea of the process of the sound produced by the instrument, from onset to endpoint.
This may sound extreme, but when I play with musicians in various genres, I don’t play the accordion like a typical accordion player, because I want to blend in. For example, the way the accordion’s notes have a soft onset and fade-out is typical of the instrument, but if you always play like that, it gets in the way of playing in an ensemble. Let’s say you’re playing a phrase in which rhythm is the key factor with some wind instruments. If you can only play in the typical accordion way I just described, the wind players won’t be impressed. So in that situation I change the way I play so that the notes start up and end sharply, just like them.
In other words, I try to control the process of the sound I produce from onset to endpoint to blend in with the ensemble, and have been practicing with that goal in mind. My priorities are to fit in well with other instruments and to emulate the way other instruments’ sounds start up and fade out. What’s easier for the accordion is secondary.

Q: Not many people play jazz on the accordion. One of the reasons for this is the popular opinion that accordions are not suited to jazz. But you are an accordionist who plays jazz. Why is that?
Sato: I don’t think there’s anything unusual about playing jazz on the accordion. Musicians are free to play what they want to play with their instrument, and what each player has been listening to in the past is an important resource. When I began playing the accordion, I wanted to express a wide range of music with the instrument, and I’ve just continued to do that.
It’s so true what they say about listening to other people’s playing for 40 minutes out of every hour of practice time that you have. I was once talking to someone who was studying jazz. I asked them whether they knew Miles Davis, and they said no. Of course some musicians can play jazz without knowing who Miles Davis is, but in my case, I need to listen to a lot of music and digest it in my own way before I can play it. If you are listening to the piece you want to play, it doesn’t really matter what the instrument is. Some people play jazz on the bassoon and others with a conch shell. I don’t find the accordion unsuitable for jazz, because people play jazz with so many different instruments.

Q: Thank you. Finally, do you have a recommended practice method?
Sato: First, you must learn what the instrument looks like inside. When you are looking for one to buy, you will never see photos of inside the instrument in catalogs and you wouldn’t normally open one up in a store. I think that’s a real problem. You can’t play an instrument without knowing what’s inside. People don’t normally look inside an accordion, because with most other instruments like the violin, guitar, and saxophone, you can tell how the sound is produced from the outside.
But accordions are the exception. It’s almost impossible to understand how the sound is made from the outside. At the very least, you must understand how the accordion works internally and how it produces sounds.
Second, people who can discover their own practice methods will improve quickly.
My ideal roadmap to improvement is first to have a definite goal. It’s better to have a clear idea of how you want to play, what kind of player you want to be, and what type of performance you are aiming for. Have an accurate understanding of what you can or cannot do now. Then all you have to do is to fill the gap between the status quo and your goal. Ideally, you find out for yourself how to practice so you can produce the sound you want to make. If you know that, you will improve quickly. Unfortunately, this method isn’t applied much by music teachers in Japan.
My teacher always used to say: “This is how I do it, but what about you?” (Laughs)

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